AMAC Athlete:
Whether you’re a physical education teacher, sport coach, school district, performance coach, after school program provider, or simply a parent looking to be active with your children, the Athlos Movement & Character (AMAC) Program is your one-stop-shop for all things athletic and performance character development. The AMAC Program is research-based and designed with holistic development in mind. Rooted in the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee’s American Development Model and Long-Term Athletic Development, the robust, vertically aligned, and developmentally appropriate movement curriculum provides a roadmap to developing athleticism.
The AMAC program does not simply talk about holistic development, it is embedded throughout the entire program. Sport and physical activity are more than just physical endeavors. They offer powerful opportunities to practice and develop social and emotional skills that are crucial to the development of well-rounded youth. The AMAC program capitalizes on these opportunities using a wealth of tools and resources focused on a series of personal traits that are shown to lead to future success in life by knowing how to perform and thrive in challenging situations, navigating relationships, and turning failure into opportunities for growth. The AMAC program considers these 12 specific traits Performance Character.
The AMAC program does not simply talk about holistic development, it is embedded throughout the entire program. Sport and physical activity are more than just physical endeavors. They offer powerful opportunities to practice and develop social and emotional skills that are crucial to the development of well-rounded youth. The AMAC program capitalizes on these opportunities using a wealth of tools and resources focused on a series of personal traits that are shown to lead to future success in life by knowing how to perform and thrive in challenging situations, navigating relationships, and turning failure into opportunities for growth. The AMAC program considers these 12 specific traits which Performance Character.
The coupling of a high-quality movement curriculum with resources to cultivate Performance Character, the AMAC program is a “prescriptive-as-desired” roadmap to developing well rounded young people that are active, fit, efficient movers, who routinely demonstrate sound Performance Character. The AMAC program is tailored to help our youth find success and reach their potential by building confidence, competence, and the motivation to maintain those traits for life!
JOIN THE MOVEMENT to get all the AMAC Program has to offer!


“If you are looking for a vertically aligned K-8 curriculum for PE, you have got to see what the Athlos Movement & Character Program has to offer. Been teaching for almost 20 years and by far this is the easiest to use, most comprehensive, vertically aligned curriculum on the market!!”
It [the AMAC program] has been SUPER helpful as I’ve gone along teaching face to face and then remotely. I sifted through the lessons for some of the more socially distant activities and implemented those as well as the movement prep for warm up. The students enjoyed them and were very engaged.
When we went remote, I used the PC [Performance Character resources] much more by having a word of the week and asking students to identify courage and optimism in their daily life and how we can use it in PE. They loved it! Again, very engaged.

The [AMAC] resources have proved to provide immense value. I like the flexibility the program resources provide and would highly recommend these resources to PE teachers at any level.
Our school has emphasized SEL in recent years. I love the ability to use the Performance Character calendar and prompts to highlight this for students. Before, I would rely on “Teachable moments” to discuss traits like leadership, grit, initiative, etc. Now I can have a structured approach to engaging students with these concepts and highlight PE’s role in developing these traits. I have even used portions of the materials with my cross country and track & field teams.
I enjoy the ability to use the lessons as developed or take pieces and inspiration to create my own to best fit my group of students.