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Athlos Blog2022-09-08T16:00:26+00:00

Athlos Blog

Virtual PLCs – Staying Connected with Your Team

By |March 26th, 2020|Categories: Physical Education|

Whether face to face or online, PLCs are extremely beneficial as they help us maintain a focus on increasing student achievement, provide opportunities to analyze data, add strategies and resources to our pedagogical toolbox, and share information about what is and isn’t working, all in a safe collaborative setting.

Flipping the Physical Education Classroom – Resources for At-Home PE

By |March 18th, 2020|Categories: Physical Education|

As a result of current circumstances, the term “Flipped Classroom” is more relevant than ever before. The Athlos team is ready to help districts, schools, and families across the country encourage and promote movement and activity.

9 Tips for a Good Distance Learning Lesson Using Zoom

By |March 17th, 2020|Categories: Physical Education|

As a result of recent events, there is a strong need for virtual meetings to promote learning and keep in touch with our students. Zoom a perfect medium as it is free and easy to use. Here are some important tips on how to effectively conduct an online learning session with and for your students using Zoom. Switching to an online delivery format can seem overwhelming but we are going to focus on some basics that should have you up and running in no time and recording your lessons or holding virtual office hours with as little hassle as possible.

The Athlos Athletic Curriculum: Where Growth Mindset and Physical Fitness Connect

By |March 6th, 2020|Categories: Physical Education, Social Emotional Learning|

The Athlos athletic curriculum is designed to help students experience success in athletic movement, grow confidence to take on new challenges, develop a growth mindset, and learn what it means to have a healthy body.

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