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AMAC Session Planning

As we continue to have conversations with parents, coaches, teachers, and many other youth development stakeholders, we are getting more and more questions about session design and planning. So, in this article we decided to outline how each of our sessions in the AMAC Program is organized, as well as some keys to success

By |2022-09-02T22:10:10+00:00September 2nd, 2022|Movement, Physical Education, Social Emotional Learning|

LTAD: More Than Just Physical

Long-Term Athlete Development. Long-Term Athletic Development. Long-Term Development. Whatever your stance on the “A” in LTAD is, you’ve likely heard, seen, and are probably a decent proponent of LTAD. We’ve all seen the hashtags along with videos of athletes in the weight room, in a park, or even in a living room. Each video touting

By |2022-07-28T17:48:43+00:00July 28th, 2022|Movement, Physical Education, Social Emotional Learning|

The Athlos Athletic Curriculum: Where Growth Mindset and Physical Fitness Connect

The Athlos athletic curriculum is designed to help students experience success in athletic movement, grow confidence to take on new challenges, develop a growth mindset, and learn what it means to have a healthy body.

By |2020-09-25T04:03:36+00:00March 6th, 2020|Physical Education, Social Emotional Learning|

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