If you’re a school district or teacher, this is especially for you!

If you are a parent, check out our post on “3 Tips for At-Home Physical Education for Parents”

As a result of current circumstances, the term “Flipped Classroom” is more relevant than ever before. While most schools are finding ways to provide virtual instruction and resources for parents to support instruction in the core subject areas, providing resources for at-home physical education (PE) can be quite daunting!

Many districts, schools, and teachers are asking themselves questions, such as: What do we send home? How do we engage students and families without adding the undue stress of more worksheets and packets? How can our district take a unified approach to supporting our students and families?

From a physical education perspective, now is arguably the most important time to encourage and promote movement and activity. The Athlos team is ready to help districts, schools, and families across the country achieve just that.

Linked below, you will find a suggested and editable daily schedule for families. This schedule includes built-in opportunities for movement and family time. Paired with the schedule is a mini at-home curriculum to send to parents – this document provides a series of activities specifically designed to be fun and engaging for a variety of grade levels. Each activity is designed with limited space and equipment in mind.

Feel free to take and share these with the students and families in your school and/or district. The first page of the packet is fillable and allows you to enter your personalized school information, or individual teacher information. All you need to do is make it your own and send it out! This can help ease your worries about what to do for PE and whether or not you have a consistent message being delivered to families.

At this time, less is definitely more for families. However, we would encourage you to occasionally share what you are doing (as a teacher or administrator) to stay active. Share a video so students can see your face or just a letter or email so you can maintain some interaction with the students moving forward!

If you are attempting to provide remote instruction for your students or are curious about other ideas and resources, please contact us using the form below.

For more additional tips with parents for at-home PE delivery, check out our post for parents: 3 Tips for At-Home Physical Education for Parents

We hope you find these resources helpful and wish you the best!

Stay up-to-date with the latest from Athlos.
