In our last blog post, we discussed the holistic nature of the LTAD framework. In this post, I’ll shed some light onto how the AMAC program operationalizes the LTAD model. Over the years, we have found success implementing a program rooted in the LTAD framework in school PE departments, multi-sport organizations, and even at the individual practitioner level.

We have broken up our program into 5 distinct levels. Each of which bridges multiple stages in LTAD. Much of our work is within schools, so we found it to be beneficial to look at our program levels and the stages of LTAD through the grade level lens as opposed to the age lens. Below is an outline of the different levels of the AMAC program, what stage(s) of LTAD they align with, and the areas of emphasis within each level.

LEVEL 1 – FUNdamental Movement Skills

  • Grades: K-1
  • LTAD Stage: FUNdamentals
  • Areas of Emphasis:
    • Traveling (linear, lateral, crawling)
    • Body Awareness (gymnastics, bilateral/unilateral, jumping/landing)
    • Body Control (getting up/down, transitions, lifting/carrying)
    • Sensory Awareness (proprioception, tactile awareness, spatial recognition)

LEVEL 2 – FUNdamental Sport Skills

  • Grades: 2-3
  • LTAD Stage: FUNdamentals
  • Areas of Emphasis:
    • Dribbling (with hands, feet, and implement)
    • Kicking & Striking (striking with hands, kicking with feet, striking with implement)
    • Catching & Receiving (catching with hands/implement, receiving with feet/implement)
    • Throwing & Passing (underhand, overhand, other)

LEVEL 3 – Introduction to Movement Through Sport

  • Grades: 4-5
  • LTAD Stage: Learn to Train
  • Areas of Emphasis:
    • Movement skills (acceleration, deceleration, cutting, shuffling, balance, etc.)
    • Sport skills (closing out, passing, dribbling, jockeying, etc.)
    • Team skills (getting open, spacing, small sided games, etc.)

LEVEL 4 – Exploration of Movement & Sport Application

  • Grades: 6-8
  • LTAD Stages: Train to Train OR Active for Life
  • Areas of Emphasis:
    • Techniques & Tactics
    • Movement Skills (drop step, hip turn, load step, etc.)
    • Competition
    • Resistance Training (Foundational Movement Skills – squat, lunge, hinge, push, pull, carry)

LEVEL 5 – Active Sport Participation

  • Grades: 9-12
  • LTAD Stages: Train to Compete OR Active for Life
  • Areas of Emphasis:
    • Techniques & Tactics
    • Speed
    • Resistance Training
    • Competition
    • Autonomy & Ownership

The day-to-day programming within the program varies from season to season and level to level however all of it is based on a framework tool developed for just that purpose. All programming for the AMAC program is done based on this tool (below). Understanding what to give athletes, when to give it to them, and why we are doing so at a particular age/stage/level provides practitioners the ability to really explore the how!

If you’d like to look deeper under the hood of the AMAC program we encourage you to click below to see what else the program has to offer!